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仁淀ブルーへのアクセス/Access to Niyodo Blue

(English version is below the Japanese one.)













狩山口のバス停からはタクシーで行きました。事前に手配したほうがいいです。ちなみに、いくつかタクシー会社はありますが、私たちは『池川交通ハイヤー合資会社(tel: 0889342450)』を利用しました。












When you are planning to go to Yasui valley to see Niyodo Blue, there are mainly two ways to get there; by car or by using public transportation. I want to explain how I got there using public transportation from JR Kochi station.


There are 3 steps to get to Yasui valley.

1) From JR Kochi station to JR Sakawa station.

2) From JR Sakawa station to Kariyamaguchi bus stop by Kuroiwa Kanko bus.

3) From Kariyamaguchi bus stop to Horaiso by taxi.


1) From JR Kochi station to JR Sakawa station.

Sakawa station is on JR Tosa Line. There are only a few trains from Kochi to Sakawa (about 1 to 3 trains per hour). We took a train departing at 7:10, and a bit crowded with students. It will take approximately an hour to get to Sakawa station.


2) From JR Sakawa station to Kariyamaguchi bus stop by Kuroiwa Kanko bus.

On the left side of the exit of JR Sakawa station, you can find a bus stop of Kuroiwa Kanko bus. Connections between trains and buses are very bad, so you need to wait for the bus to depart the bus stop. There are cafes near the station, but most of them open at around noon, and there is no convenience store nearby.


3) From Kariyamaguchi bus stop to Horaiso by taxi.

The final stop of the bus is Kariyamaguchi. From Kariyamaguchi to Horaiso, we took a taxi which we booked two days before. Unfortunately, there is no public transportation service which brings us to Yashui valley from Kariyamaguchi, so I recommend you to book a cab. It's better to book beforehand because the place is countryside, and it might take time for a taxi to arrive at Kariyamaguchi bus stop. There are a few taxi companies, and the one we used was "Ikegawa Transportation Hire L.P.(tel: 0889342450)."  The driver is very friendly person, but not sure if he understands English or not.


On the way back to Sakawa station, the taxi driver kindly taught us that there is a small shop in front of the Fureaibashi bus stop (one stop before the Kariyamaguchi), so we asked him to drop us off at the stop. At the shop, you can buy snacks or some beverages. There is also a restaurant next to the shop. So when you go to the valley, you can get off at Fureaibashi and buy something to eat or eat there, then take a cab to Horaiso (which we could not do this time since we did not know about this place). But, the Google does not recognize the place, so there is no info when the shop opens or what the name of the shop is.


Horaiso (https://yasuikeikoku-horaisou.com/ ) is an inn with restaurant which is also open to non-guests (It's better to book beforehand if you want to dine here). Getting off in front of Horaiso is the best to get to Niyodo Blue by walk. From there, you start hiking along the Niyodo river, and in a few minutes, you will find fascinating views of Niyodo Blue!